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Available now: Transformations Book

Exploring Changes in and Around Photography

The publication Transformations, Exploring Changes in and Around Photography is a product of ‘Transformations’, a project that was initiated by Viewbook in 2016 to explore changes and support photography in a digitally connected world.

In this publication photographers and photography professionals reflect on what they see as the most interesting transformations in and around photography today. Through essays, interviews, photographic work and short quotes, it raises a conversation on how technological changes and shifts within the industry affect the role and work of the photographer today. Seen from different geographical and cultural perspectives, the material gives a snapshot of some of the changing attitudes, institutional values and practices in photography.

This is for you: the photographer, industry professional or student who wants to engage in the conversation and rethink photography with us.

The publication contains 110 pages with 10 articles, 5 interviews, 22 short visions on transformations in photography, and a foreword by David Bate.

04 Foreword - David Bate
08 Introduction - Rebecca Simons and Rien Swagerman
10 Change - A talk with Sanne De Wilde
17 Transformations and Convergences - Grant Scott
23 The Only Certainty is Change - Stephen Mayes
28 Serving the Story - A talk with Anastasia Taylor-Lind
35 Content vs Technology - Salvatore Vitale
41 Beyond Bathroom Singing - Erik Vroons
46 Speed and Reflection - A talk with Josh Schaedel
53 Passion, Perseverance and the Personal Project - Amber Terranova
60 On Images Yet to be Seen - Christine Eyene
66 Connecting with an Audience - A talk with Michał Siarek
73 Open Minds and Changing Roles - Anna Dickson
79 In-Game Photography: A Walkthrough (or rather, a Speed Run) - Marco de Mutiis
86 Layers of Meaning - A talk with Guy Martin
93 We Need to Talk About Vulnerability - Jonathan Worth
99 The Great Upheaval - Tanvi Mishra
107 About Transformations
110 Moving Forward

You can download a complete digital version here (.pdf)

High-quality printing
The publication is printed with offset printing on high quality 150 grams munken lynx paper.

Price of the publication is €18, excluding shipping costs. To order contact [email protected] A discount is available for purchases above 10 pieces.